CLICK HERE to pray for the New Life Church Los Guido following the guide in the June newsletter. 

Please pray for the next large outreach events...
    September 7: Day of the Child Celebration
    September 28: The Creation Through Dama (for children)

Please pray for the missions team serving with us next month from Elders Baptist Church. This team plans on taking, printing, and delivering more than 1,500 photos of the students in two grade schools. 

Please pray for the spiritual protection of the teenagers. The peer pressure and temptations are tremendous. It is depressing and heartbreaking when one of these teens decides to quit discipleship or, even worse, return to their past life. Satan does not rest, so we must continue praying diligently without ceasing.
It was just announced that San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica, is the third most expensive city in Latin America. Please pray for the ministry as difficult decisions are regularly made to navigate the high prices. 

Pray that God would intervene in homes where youth are suffering from abuse and violence. Amid great injustice and pain, pray that God would defend and protect the youth. 

There are many people leading teams throughout the ministry. The pastors, directors, and board members are listed here. Please pray for them by name!

Please click here to follow us on facebook. Photos are being posted of some of the folks that are graduating from one discipleship book to the next. Please pray for them by name - for their protection both physically and spiritually, and for the disciples that they are also teaching. 

UPDATED July 23, 2024

More ways to pray for the CLFCR ministries can be found...
... by reading the current newsletters here.
... by following the CLFCR FB page here.
"He pled the cause of the afflicted and needy; then it was well. 
Is not that what it means to know Me?" Declares the Lord. 
Jeremiah 22:16
Christian Light Foundation Costa Rica
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